Friday 26 November 2010

Creativity week

This weeks theme has been creativity, and to experiment trying things and not being scared to be wrong, as Sir Ken Robinson said “if you're not prepared to be wrong, you'll never come up with anything original.” My group and I drew an animatic storyboard and have started to imput that into Adobe Premier pro, I also have created a mock up digi pak in my spare time. Mr Robinson also said that we are all born creative and that we grow out of it as we go through education, because education favours academics and not creativeness. This week my group has tried to merge the two, being creative to achieve what we need on an academic level. The way I understand creativity, is that you can't just turn it on and off, its something sporadic that comes to you when you are inspired. This meant when we were working as a group we would feed off each other saying things ansd suggesting ideas. When we became stuck and didn't know what to do we would play the song again, we found this would release fresh ideas.

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